Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 7: A Week

Today was the start of new week, and with that came school at 8:30 in the morning. When I arrived, Nathalie informed me that because it was a new week we had a new teacher, and new classroom. While change good because it means progress, we were both sad to leave Samuel because he had been so funny and made classes really awesome.
Our new teacher, Nuria, told us that there were two others who would be joining our class to make a class of four, something we didn't want, because it is better to learn with as a few people as possible.
Sure enough, a few minutes later two new people arrived in our class, Charles, an older man from Baltimore and Johnny a younger guy from South Dakota. Shortly after they arrived we discovered that they were not as good as us and as a result we were revising things that both Nathalie and I already knew. However, during one of our breaks, Samuel told us that both of them would be in his class tomorrow, leaving just the two of us with Nuria. Class is a bit less fun with Nuria, however, I still like her as she is a good teacher, but Nathalie does not really.
After classes, I got to know some of the other students, some of Nathalie's friends better, Luis, 24, from Belgium, and Lisa, 19, from Germany, and we decided to go for lunch in town. Firstly, we stopped in at the market to buy some playing cards and search for some sunglasses for Louis before heading to a little Costa Rican restaurant. I decided that I couldn't trust the food there and didn't eat anything, instead eating something from a pulperia (like a dairy). After Louis and Nathalie finished eating their lunch and the four of us had played a few rounds of cards, Lisa left us to go back to school to watch a movie.
Louis, wanted to go to the only Hard Rock Café in Costa Rica, which the guy at the restaurant told u was in Mall San Pedro, a shopping centre in a town close to San Jose. So, we caught the bus into San Jose before riding a taxi the rest of the way to the mall, despite the others' best efforts to try to convince me to hitchhike. Upon arriving at the mall, we asked where the café was, and we were told that it was actually near the airport in Alajuela, we had gone to the completely wrong place. As a result we decided to try Pops instead. Pops is a very common ice cream shop in Costa Rica, it is at almost every corner, just like McDonalds here too.
After eating our ice creams ad playing some more card games, we left the mall at about 5:30pm. We decided that it would be easiest to take a taxi back to Heredia and found one who would do the trip for only 8,000 colones ($16USD). While in the taxi, both Louis and Nathalie didn't feel so well, which made me feel good for not having eaten at the restaurant. The taxi ride ended up taking 1hr 30mn because there was so much traffic, and so the driver asked us to pay 12,000 colones which was still very reasonable, and we were very understanding.
When I got to the school I was told that Jorge had been wondering where I was since it was getting late and they were a little worried because they couldn't contact me because I have no phone. He arrived to take me home a little later and we decided that I would need to get a SIM tomorrow.
Nathalie and Louis in the bus to San Jose

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